Section 1: Principal Applicant Details
Section 2: Application Details
Please select all keywords that apply to your Registration across Natural Sciences, Technology and Health, and Social Sciences and Humanities. *
AI4PEP is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion. We recognize that bringing together individuals from multiple backgrounds, perspectives and experiences is integral to advancing excellence and increasing the impact of our organization. Ensuring that every person feels valued and welcome is vital to achieving our mission, and embodies our values of diversity, creativity, excellence, risk taking, respect and collaboration. AI4PEP strives to foster the active participation and inclusion of all, including those from underrepresented groups in research, such as but not limited to women, members of racialized groups, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of sexual and gender minority groups – across geographic borders, disciplines, and career stage. In the pursuit of excellence, AI4PEP embraces diverse ideas and perspectives, and proactively seeks to increase equity, diversity and inclusion within our community. AI4PEP aims to create a culture that embodies these principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our network.
Excellence flourishes in an environment that embraces the broadest range of people and reflects local communities. Please note, at a later stage, all team members will be required to complete a self-identification questionnaire. This data will support AI4PEP's commitment to creating inclusive working and learning environments through better understanding the characteristics of our community.
As Principal Applicant, I will consider AI4PEP's Action Plan throughout the Global South Call application process. *
Core Team Members
Please list the proposed core team (up to 3), including their expertise. Note that these team members are in addition to the Principal Investigator. These additional participants should be aware of the proposal and should have given agreement in principle to the lead applicant.
Choice of up to 3 team members. *
Team Member #1
Team Member #2
Team Member #3
Suggested Reviewers
Please provide three suggested reviewers (name, affiliation, email address, area of expertise). These reviewers should be arms-length from the core applicants.
New or additional reviewers can be suggested at the LOI stage.
Reviewer #1
Reviewer #2
Reviewer #3